
Is God Enough?

Why is it so hard to truly believe that God is enough?

I have been wrestling with the idea of God being all I need. We hear the words, know that they are true, but then live our lives as if we don’t really believe that God is enough. Why else would our lives be so filled with comparison, worry and disappointment? Why is something that is so powerful and fulfilling so hard to believe and accept? Why do we chase things in our life instead of turning and falling into God’s open arms?

I have believed in God practically my whole life. I was raised in a Christian home, attended church every week and had daily devotions and prayer, but as I look back on my life, I have lived it as if God was never enough. He was part of my life, but never enough! Why did I always chase after more – more money, more friends, more responsibility, more power, more attention, more of the good life, you fill in the blank ________? Why is it so hard to turn to God for all that He promises to give to us? Why when you are disappointed or hurt do you turn to others or “self-medicating” instead of turning to God first or at all? Why is it when you feel lonely you forget to turn to God who is your friend?

I have come up with four things that I think contribute to this behavior. There are probably more, but here is what I have found to be the drivers for me:

Fear of Missing Out – It is hard to be “all in” with God when you feel like you are missing out on the fun. I am learning though, that God doesn’t want to take the fun away from you, He wants to be part of the fun!
Lack of Contentment – we always want more and it seems like we never have enough. Even though we are richly blessed and have more that we need, we want to have a bigger house, a nicer car, a better job, etc. God still gives us amazing gifts and blessings, but when we lack contentment we fail to appreciate God for what He has given us and believing that it is enough.
Feelings of Insecurity – when we think we are not good enough or when we sin, we are afraid that we have done something that will make God not love us. But we have to remember that God loves us for who we are and not for what we do or have done. His love doesn’t change. It is our feelings about our behavior that causes us to change and avoid God.
Lack of Trust and Faith – for me this has always been the biggest reason why God has not been enough. I believed that I had to work harder and that I was in control. When I learn to put my life in His hands and allow Him to guide and direct my actions, it is so much easier to trust and have faith. Over the past six months each day has been a step of faith and I am learning to let go of worry and trust Him. As I take steps of faith I am finding that God is enough!

I have learned over the last six months that I have so much greater joy when I let go of the fears and insecurities and learn to go to God first with my thoughts, needs, desires and frustrations. When I let God be enough, I don’t have to worry about not doing my share. I don’t have to worry about what others think of me. I find I am much more able to live out the “fruits of the spirit” in my life. Allowing God to live through me is so fulfilling and exciting. I wonder what I have missed out on in this life because I wanted more and couldn’t allow God to be enough?

When you are holding on to things in your life, your hands are not free to wrap them around God. You give him a partial hug because you keep your other hand holding on to what you want or try to hide it from God. Learn to let go of those things that control you so that you can learn to believe that God is enough for you.

My questions for you:

  • What areas of your life do you live that show you believe God is not enough?
  • What do you have to let go of so that you can put your arms around God?
  • What things do you have to stop doing because it makes you feel unlovable?
  • Who can you show God’s love to this week?

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