After three months of praying and listening to hear God’s direction for our lives, we are excited to announce the creation of our new venture called Potential Endeavors. This non-profit is a business focused on helping people to reach their full potential. Our goal is to use the gifts and experience that God has given to us and give it away to help others.
Here is a little of the past three months that has led us to this adventure. In March, we went to Ukraine and God showed up in a big way. Some dear friends picked us up at the airport and we spent the day talking. Our friends could see a plan for us, one that we were not yet ready to see or expect, but it began the adventure. We had numerous meetings over the next 10 days in Ukraine and God kept speaking to Beth and I. He was beginning to lay out a plan for our future.
After Ukraine, Beth and I had several days together in our favorite place in Germany. It is a quaint spa town named Baden Baden. We had time to pray, talk and process what God was leading us to do. We talked about our passions and what God has been laying on our hearts. On our plane ride home we read two different books. Beth read “Divine Direction” by Craig Groeschel and I read “Destiny” by TD Jakes. Different books, but both brought clarity to what our next steps should be.
When we put our thoughts on paper, we realized we shared three common passions: We had a passion to help pastors; we had a passion for helping churches; and we had a passion for investing in young leaders in Ukraine. These passions led us to start our non-profit company that will help people to reach their full potential in the US and in Ukraine. We feel led to provide coaching, mentorship, development, training and strategic planning to churches, church leaders or other non-profits that need help.
God laid it on our heart that He has richly blessed both Beth and I with tremendous experience and training over our years of employment in corporate jobs and within the church. Combined we have over 25 years of corporate experience and 20 years of church leadership and pastoral experience.
One of the passages from the Bible that challenged us is the following:
When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.”
Luke 12:48 NLT
Have we been given much? Verse 48 says “When someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.” We have been given much over our years of working and ministry, so we feel that God is challenging us to use our gifts to help others. As we formed our non-profit, we wanted to create a mission that was focused on giving away what God has given to us and not ask people to pay for our services. It is hard for us to determine our worth or only offer it when someone has the money to pay for it. We would rather offer what we have to help anyone who asks for it, and we have to trust God that he will provide for our financial needs.
This next season of our lives is a step of faith. We have felt God’s direction and guidance each step of the way and we are committed to take it one day and a time. What can we do today to help someone who needs it. Throughout this new adventure into the unknown, God has over and over said to us “TRUST ME!” And that is what we are going to do!
We have filed our paperwork with the IRS to gain 501c3 approval. This will allow us to receive tax deductible donations in the future. Again, our company’s name is Potential Endeavors and our mission is to Help People Reach their Full Potential.
Our website is potentialendeavors.com. If you would like to talk or if you are in need of coaching or mentorship or know someone who is, please contact us.
2 replies on “What we’re up to next”
So excited for you both, and the impact you will have with individuals, churches and businesses! Wow! Keeping you in prayer!