
What are you dreaming about?


Your dreams help you find what your potential is.  What is potential?  The dictionary definition of POTENTIAL is “having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future”.  Another definition is “latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness”.  Another way of saying this is that: “potential is what is possible tomorrow instead of what is actual today”.

What do you have hidden inside of you – your qualities or abilities – that you have not identified or let out?

What are your dreams or passions that you have put off because you don’t have the time right now?

What are the things where you say “I wish I could” but have never taken the initiative to try?

I believe that all of us have inside of us the potential to do more –

More of what we love

More to make an impact

More to help others

More to push ourselves out of our comfort zones

But what holds us back?  Why is it so hard to soar with our dreams and find out what is really possible?  I think there are four things that hold us back, one of them not being time, even though that is often the reason most people give.  They are:

  • Fear
    • Fear of failure
    • Fear of ridicule or being made fun of
    • Fear of being successful and having to change your life
  • Belief in Ourselves
    • We don’t think we are good enough
  • Trust in God
    • God has made each of us with our own unique gifts and skills
    • Our challenge is that we don’t spend enough time with God to listen and learn what those gifts and skills are
    • We have never specifically asked God to reveal to us our gifts
    • We allow other people to define us and what we can or cannot do instead of allowing God to define us
  • Encouragement
    • We don’t have someone in our corner who knows our passions and dreams and encourages us to become who God wants us to become


In future blogs, I will talk more about each of these topics, but I want to leave you with three challenges today:

  1. Ask God to reveal to you the gifts and passions He has given to you.
  2. Write down your dreams.
  3. Find someone to share your dreams with that will encourage you along the way.


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