The war in Ukraine has had a terrible impact on the people of Ukraine, but it is the kids who are often impacted the most. They lose their sense of safety and peace and wonder if things will ever be normal again. This past summer, churches across Ukraine held camps for kids. Over 300 camps were held, and 30,000 students were able to attend. These camps were in every region of Ukraine except Luhansk.

In these camps, over 3,000 students made a decision to make Jesus the Lord and Savior of their lives! Praise God! Donations from many people made these camps possible, but there is a new opportunity to help. This fall, the leaders of the Baptist Union of Ukraine are holding a 3-day retreat for leaders of kid’s ministries from across Ukraine. This retreat is an opportunity to encourage these workers who have done so much to help the kids impacted by war by providing a retreat away from the stresses of a war impacted life. This retreat will be a time of rest, encouragement, training and preparing these leaders to continue to minister to kids of Ukraine. Originally this retreat was going to be in May and Beth was asked to speak at it, but the war changed that, and now we will not be able to attend.
If you would like to help provide for this retreat, we are helping to raise funds to pay for this event. The cost is estimated at $10,000. This is for housing, food and materials. You can make donations through Potential Endeavors at Donate – Potential Endeavors. Make a note on your donation Kids Workers Retreat. All money donated will go to help pay for this event. You can also send checks to: Potential Endeavors, 840 Aspen Circle, Little Canada, MN 55109.