
Magic of a Camp Fire

Since the beginning of time, a camp fire has been a part of society.  In history, it was the place of heating, cooking and community.  Today it is more for recreational value, but it is still a magical place.  There is something special that happens when you look into the fire and watch the dancing of the flames.

In Exodus, God used a burning bush to communicate with Moses when he was called to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt.  Some of my greatest connection times with God have come when I have been looking into a fire and asking God to speak to me.

Have you ever noticed when you sit around a fire with friends, your protectiveness drops and you start to share your dreams, your hurts, your ambitions and the inner nature of your soul?  What is it about a fire that causes you to drop your masks and often reveal who you really are?

Having a camp fire takes time and work.  You have to gather the wood, prepare the fire, build it to the right intensity and then sit back and stare into its beauty.  I often get so busy that I fail to slow down and allow community with others to happen around the fire.

When Moses met God in the burning bush, God revealed that He was “I AM” and Moses shared his fears and insecurities.  But God wanted Moses just as he was and promised to be with him.  Having a camp fire, whether by yourself or with friends, allows you to share your dreams, insecurities and doubts with God and each other.  Remember that God loves you as you are and promises to be with you each step of the way.

My challenge for you today is to find an opportunity to have a camp fire with God.  Share with Him your dreams, insecurities and doubts and allow Him to love you as you are.  And then, find an opportunity to have a fire with a friend or a group of friends.  Use it as a time to listen, learn and share with each other.  God loves having camp fires with you!

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