We head to Ukraine soon. Please pray for us. Conditions in Ukraine are difficult. The war continues. Tens of thousands of people have died and been wounded. Millions have been displaced and have either moved out of Ukraine or to a different location. People are tired and exhausted, and no end is in sight. As I write this, missile attacks are intensifying and the challenges across the country seem worse.
You may ask, so why are we going to Ukraine during these times? We feel that God wants us to be there to encourage the pastors and church leaders we work with. While the war continues, the spiritual and physical needs of the people continue to grow. The need to hear about the hope offered through a relationship with Jesus is greater than ever. The need to train, encourage and resource new pastors and start new churches is continuing. The pastors we work with are feeling the pressures of the demand. They are tired! They need help and resources to help them do ministry.
The war is causing many to experience trauma. Pastors need training in how to help those who have experienced trauma and to help share the good news of Jesus to the suffer from the effects of trauma. Families are dealing with the loss of family members and friends. Learning to deal with the impacts of injuries caused by the war. Having to start over after losing everything due to the bombings, attacks and ongoing war.
We go not to solve all these needs, but to offer our encouragement. To listen to the needs. To pray for the workers. To provide rest and resources to help in a small way. As we go pray for us. Pray for the following:
- That we will be an encouragement to those we meet and interact with.
- That we will provide materials and resources that will help these pastors and leaders in the work they are doing in their communities.
- For safety as we travel across Ukraine and that the people coming to our meetings will be safe and that they will find our time together to be a time and rest and restoration.
- For resources needed to help fund new churches and pastors. From equipment needs, to space rental to just helping with living expenses for the pastors.
One story to share with you. One pastor that we have worked with over the past six years is Yan from Korsun Ukraine.

Pastor Yan has a heart for reaching his community for Jesus. When he started his church, he was in a small building that was full. He knew he needed more space, so they found a building in the center of town with the potential for growth. They began renovating it. They had one meeting room which they outgrew, and they have now just finished renovating a second room with more space. Every time they open a new space, God brings new people. This church is caring for the needs of their community. They are reaching the people that no one cares for, and people are finding Jesus.
If you would like to provide resources to help these pastors, you can give online at http://potentialendeavors.com/donate. We accept all forms of payment – credit card, Venmo, checks or paypal.
If you would like to receive our newsletter and get a detailed overview of our trip and what we will be doing each day so that you can pray along with us, send me your email at rick.post@potentialendeavors.com.
If you are interested in learning more about how you or your church could sponsor a new church and its pastor, reach out to me at rick.post@potentialendeavors.com.