This year was different in that it is the first time we have been there since we are now both unemployed. It was hard thinking that we may not be able to afford to do this again, but we have also been very blessed to have the experiences that we have had.
I found myself sitting on the beach looking at the waves and thinking about the wonders of God’s creation: where did the waves come from, how the sun comes up and goes down each day, how the clouds can make the each sunrise different.
I also found myself thinking about the past and the future.
As I thought about the past, I found myself thinking about what I had and often thinking about what I had lost. As I did this I found myself realizing that a focus on the past was drawing me into being upset, feeling angry and dwelling on things of this world – just like my sinful nature.
When I focused on the future I found myself thinking about the opportunities ahead of me and what God has in store for me. This was keeping me focused on who God wants me to be. I found myself being more positive and optimistic as it meant putting my trust in God and allowing Him to be in control of my future. Scary but exciting versus comfortable and thinking I am in control.
So what are my takeaways from this trip?
When you focus on where you have been and what you have, you may miss the opportunity to see what God has in store in front of you.
When you leave a job you always think you are going to lose something, but often what God has in front of you is even better than what had in the past.
Live each moment to the fullest. Never take for granted what you have because you never know if this will be the last time you will have that experience.
Live live with no regrets – live you life one day at a time and enjoy the riches that God has for you in that day.