
Are you afraid?

In two weeks, we will be in Poland getting ready to head back into Ukraine.  As we have shared with people about going to Ukraine, probably the question we get asked the most is “Are you afraid to travel to Ukraine?  To be totally honest, we have no fears about traveling to Ukraine!  Let me tell you why!

I know the news is full of stories of missile strikes, bombings and war, but Ukraine is a large country, and the war is in the east and south, areas that we will not be traveling to.  Will we see evidence of the war as we drive in the country?  Yes, but we will not be in the area where the battle is the most intense.

First, when we are in Ukraine, we are with our friends.  We trust them and know that they would not put us in places of danger.  They worry more about our safety than about their own safety and well-being.

Second, while there is always a chance that a missile could strike where we are located, however Ukraine is a large country and the odds of being hit by a missile where we are staying is about the same chance of being in a car crash as we drive the freeway in Minnesota.

Third, and this is the biggest reason we are not afraid, we know that we are traveling to Ukraine to do the work that God has called us to do.  We will be working with church planters, children’s ministry leaders and church leaders to encourage them, teach them and help them in their calling to reach people for Jesus.  Everything is in God’s hands, and we trust that God will protect us and guide us each step of the way. 

As it says in Psalms 139:16:

 Every day of my life was recorded in your book.  Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

We would appreciate your prayers while we travel.  Prayers for safety and impact.  That God would use us to help and encourage the leaders that we will be working with.

We are still looking for partners who would like to help us with the costs of our ministry.  On this trip we have paid for two conferences.  One for church planters and their spouses and one for the Children’s Ministry leaders across all regions of Ukraine.  Plus, we have our travel costs.

If you would like to donate, you can donate at

You can also send checks to:

Potential Endeavors

840 Aspen Circle

Little Canada, MN 55109

We also accept donations through Venmo at @potentialendeavors

3 replies on “Are you afraid?”

I was truly blessed to read your & Beth’s stories about your outreach to the different Ukrainian groups that are so committed to reaching their people for Christ. They know that He is the bedrock of their personal lives, which gives them the spiritual strength to carry on in faith & hope.
The Potential Endeavors will be in my daily prayers!!

I was truly blessed to read your & Beth’s stories about your outreach to the different Ukrainian groups that are so committed to reaching their people for Christ. They know that He is the bedrock of their personal lives, which gives them the spiritual strength to carry on in faith & hope.
The Potential Endeavors will be in my daily prayers!!

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